크리미널 마인드(Criminal Minds) Season.3 명언


Criminal Minds Season.3



🎬 E03. Scared To Death


The taoist philosopher Lao Tzu once wrote
"He who controls others may be powerful. but he who has mastered himself is mightier still."

철학자 노자

"다른 사람들을 지배하는 자는 강하지만 자기 자신을 지배하는 자는 더 위대하다."


📌 Eleanor Roosevelt once said
"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experiencein which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do."

엘리노어 루즈벨트

"두려움을 직면하게 되는 모든 경험을 통해 당신은 힘과 용기, 그리고 자신감을 얻게 된다. 그러므로 절대 해낼 수 없을 거라 생각하는 일들을 해야 한다."

🎬 E04. Children Of The Dark


Babara Ehrenreich
"In the city, crime is taken as emblematic of class and race. In the suburbs, though, it's intimate and psychological, resistant to generalization, a mystery of the individual soul."

바바라 에렌라이히

"도시에서 범죄는 계층과 인종의 상징으로 받아들여진다그러나 교외 지역의 범죄는 사적이고 심리학적이며 일반화되기를 거부하며 인간 정신의 비밀을 상징한다."

🎬 E05. Seven Seconds


Dosotoevsky once said
"Nothing is easier than denouncing the evildoer, Nothing more difficult than understanding him."


"악인을 비난하기란 쉽지만 이해하기란 너무도 어렵다."


G.K. Chesterton wrote, 
"Fairy tales do not tell children that dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children that dragons can be killed."

G.K. 체스터튼

"동화는 아이들에게 용이 있다는 얘기를  주는  아니다. 아이들은 용이 있다는  항상 알고 있다동화는 아이들에게 용이 죽을 수도 있다는 얘길  주는 것이다."

🎬 E06. About Face


Erasmus wrote,
"What else is the whole life of mortals but a sort of comedy, in which the various actors, disguised by various costumes and masks, walk on and play each one his part, until the manager waves them off the stage?"


"인간의 인생이란 다양한 의상과 가면으로 변장한 여러 배우들이 연출가가 내려오란 손짓을  때까지 무대에 올라 자신의 역할을 연기하고 내려오는 희극 말고  무엇일까?"

🎬E07. Identity


Martin Luther
"An earthly kingdom cannot exist without inequality of persons. Some must be free, some serfs, some rulers, some subjects."

마틴 루터

"세상의 왕국은 사람들 사이의 불평등 없이는 존재할  없다어떤 이들은 자유민으로 어떤 이들은 농노로 태어나고 어떤 이들은 지배자로, 어떤 이들은 피지배자로 태어난다."

🎬 E08. Lucky


Francisco Goya 
"Fantasy abandoned by reason produces impossible monsters."

프란시스코 고야

"이성이 버린 환상은 믿을  없는 괴물들을 만들어 낸다."


16th-century English novelist Thomas Deloney wrote,
"God sends meat, and the devil sends cooks."

16세기 영국 소설가 토마스 딜로니는 말했다.

"신은 고기를 내려 주셨고 악마는 조리법을 보내 주었다."

🎬 E09. Penelope


William Shakespeare wrote,
"Love all. Trust a few. Do wrong to none."

윌리엄 셰익스피어는 이렇게 썼다.

"모두를 사랑하라.  사람만을 신뢰하라. 그리고 누구에게도 잘못을 저지르지 마라."

🎬 E10. True Night


Author Clive Barker
"Superman is, after all, an alien life form. He is simply the acceptable face of invading realities."

작가 클리브 바커

"슈퍼맨은 결국 외계 생명체이다. 단지, 현실에 침입하는데 받아들여질 얼굴을 가졌을 뿐이다."

🎬 E11. Birthright


📌 The American poet Anne Sexton once wrote,
"It doesn't matter who my father was, it matters who I remember he was."

미국 시인  섹스턴

" 아버지가 누구인지는 중요하지 않다. 내가 기억하는 아버지의 모습만 중요할 뿐이다."


Wordsworth wrote,
"A simple child that lightly draws its breath and feels its life in every limb, what should it know of death?"


"가볍게 숨을 불어넣는 것으로  손과 발에 생기를 느끼는 그러  아이가 죽음을 어찌 알겠는가."

🎬 E12. 3rd Life Proper


Daisy Bates
"No man or woman who tries to pursue an ideal in his or her own way isn't without enemies."

데이시 베이츠

"자신의 방식으로 이상을 쫓는 사람들에게 적이 없는 것은 아니다."


William Shakespeare
"It is a wise father who knows his own child."

윌리엄 셰익스피어

"자신의 아이를  아는 아버지가 현명한 아버지이다."

🎬 E13. Limelight


"I know indeed what evil I intend to do, but stronger than all my afterthoughts is my fury, fury that brings upon mortals the greatest evils."


" 내가 어떤 악마 짓을   있는지  알고 있다그러나 그보다  강한 것은 나의 분노이다. 분노는 잔인한 악마만큼이나 죽음의 공포를 가져온다."


Lucy Maud Montgomery
"For we pay a price for everything we get or take in this world, and although ambitions are well worth having, they are not to be cheaply won."

루시 모드 몽고메리

"우리는  세상에서 얻은 모든 것에 가격을 지불하고 있다야망은 매우 손에  가치가 있지만 쉽게 얻어지는 것은 아니다."

🎬 E14. Damaged


📌 Neuroscientist Dr. R. Joseph
"Within the core of each of us is the child we once were. This child constitutes the foundation of what we have become, who we are and what we will be."

신경학자 R. 조셉 박사

"우리 개개인의 마음속에는 한때 어린아이였던 모습이 남아있다 아이는 우리가 어떤 사람이 되었는지 현재 어떤 사람인지 장차 어떤 사람이  건지  기초를 구성한다."


Arthur Rubinstein
"There is no formula for success. Except perhaps an unconditional acceptance of life and what it brings."


아더 루빈스타인

"성공에는 공식이 따로 없다. 삶과 삶에 따라오는 것들을 무조건적으로 받아들이는  이외엔."

🎬 E15. A Higher Power


Daniel Webster
"There is no refuge from confession but suicide, and suicide is confession."

대니얼 웹스터

"자백에서 벗어나는 길은 자살뿐이다. 자살이 바로 자백이다."


📌 Ben Okri
"The most authentic thing about us is our capacity to create, to overcome, to endure, to transform, to love, and to be greater than our suffering."


"우리의 가장 진정한 능력은 창조하고 극복하고 인내하고 변화를 일으키며 사랑하고 우리의 고통보다 위대해질  있는 능력이다."

🎬 E16. Elephant's Memory


John Steinbeck
"A sad soul can kill you quicker, far quicker, than a germ."


"슬픈 영혼은 당신을  빨리 파괴한다. 세균보다도  빠르게."


Tom Stoppard.
"We cross our bridges when we come to them and burn them behind us, with nothing to show for our progress except the memory of the smell of smoke, and a presumption that once our eyes watered."


"우리는 다리를 만나면 다리를 건너고, 건너고 나면 다리를 불태운다.

  눈물이 맺혔다는 추정과 연기 냄새의 기억을 제외하면 지나온 과정을 보일 길은 없다."

🎬 E17. In Heat


George Bernard Shaw
"There are no secrets better kept than the secrets that everybody guesses."

조지 버나드 

"모두가 짐작할  있는 비밀보다   간직할  있는 비밀은 없다."


John Churton Collins
"If we knew each other's secrets, what comforts we should find."

 처튼 콜린스

"우리가 서로의 비밀에 대해 알게 된다면 어떤 위안을 찾게 될까."

🎬 E18. Proper


📌 Author Christian Nestell Bovee once wrote, "No man is happy without a delusion of some kind. Delusions are as necessary to our happiness as realities."

작가 크리스천 네스텔 보비가 이런 글을 썼다.

"어떤 종류든 망상이 없는 사람은 행복할  없다.

망상은 행복에 있어 현실만큼이나 필요하다."


Susan B. Anthony said,
"A woman must not depend on the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself."

수잔 B. 앤서니

"여자는 남자의 보호에 의지해서는  된다. 자신을 보호하는 법을 배워야 한다."

🎬 E19. Tabula Rasa


Anatole France
“All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy. For what we leave behind us is a part of our selves. We must die to one life before we can enter another."

아나톨 프랑스

"모든 변화에는 우울함이 있다. 우리가 고대했던 변화조차도. 우리가 과거에 남기는  우리 자신의 일부이다.

다음 생을 시작하기 전에 우린 죽어야만 한다."


📌 Wordsworth
"What though the radiance that was once so bright, Be now forever taken from my sight." 
"Though nothing can bring back the hour of splendor in the grass, Of glory in the flower, We will grieve not, Rather find strength in what remains behind."

시인 워즈워스

"한때 그처럼 찬란했던 광채가 이제 눈앞에서 영원히 사라졌다 한들 어떠하리."

"초원의 , 꽃의 영광 어린 시간을  어떤 것도 되불러   없다 한들 어떠랴.

우리는 슬퍼하지 않으리. 오히려 뒤에 남은 것에서 힘을 찾으리라."

🎬 E20. Lo-fi


Voltaire said,
"The man visited by ecstasys and visions, who takes dremas for realities is an enthusiast. The man who supports his madness with murder is a fanatic."

볼테르는 말했다.

"무아지경과 환상에 빠져 꿈을 현실로 받아들이는 자는 열성적인 사람이고

자신의 광기를 살인으로 지탱하는 사람은 광신자이다."

